
Paid News : A threat to democracy

The term “paid news” was recently in news with Election Commission’s order disqualifying Madhya Pradesh Minister Narottam Mishra for three years for suppressing expenditure incurred in the publication of paid news.

What are paid news?

The Election Commission has accepted the definition given by Press Council of India. PCI has defined paid news as,

“any news or analysis appearing in any media (Print and Electronic) for a price in cash or kind as consideration”

Or in other words, “a term that refers to propaganda in favour of a candidate masquerading as news reports or articles, a “grave electoral malpractice” on the part of candidates to circumvent expenditure limits.”


Is paid news punishable under law?

Paid news is not an electoral offence yet.  However, the Election Commission has proposed to the Ministry of Law & Justice, for the amendment in the Representation of People Act, 1951, to provide therein that :

publishing and abetting the publishing of `paid news’ for furthering the prospect of election of any candidate or for prejudicially affecting the prospect of election of any candidate be made an electoral offence under chapter-III of Part VII of Representation of People Act, 1951 with punishment of a minimum of two years imprisonment.

The issue is pending with the Govt of India. Until this is done, contestants who use paid news can only be hauled up for failing to include the expenses involved in their campaign accounts.

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This resource was published by selflearnadmin
29 June 2017