Lodha Committee: Everything you need to know

What is Lodha committee?

Lodha committee is a three member panel appointed by Supreme Court headed by retired Chief justice R. M Lodha to look into the functioning of BCCI and suggest reforms.

Why SC appointed a committee to look into BCCI’s functioning?

Following allegations of corruption, match fixing and betting scandals in cricket in the country.

Lodha committee report

The Lodha Committee, in January 2016, released its list of reforms which had some major contentious points. The reforms were contested by several BCCI post holders. The recommendations focused mainly on BCCI administrative structures and not on its cricketing functions

Major recommendations suggested by Lodha committee

  •  Lodha panel wants BCCI to come under RTI Act
  •  Lodha panel recommends legalisation of betting

The panel recommends players and BCCI officials should disclose their assets to the board in a measure to ensure they do not bet.

  • Lodha panel proposes one state, one vote. Also no proxy voting of individuals

The most contentious point in the recommendations asks BCCI to implement one vote for each state. This means, for example, the large state of Maharashtra with multiple associations in Maharashtra, Mumbai and Vidarbha each have their respective representative and vote during elections. If recommendation is implemented, the entire state will have just one vote.

  •  No BCCI office-bearer can have more than two consecutive terms

The Lodha panel recommends a maximum of three terms for office bearers with no more than two consecutive terms. It further says there should be a cooling period after each term.

  •  No BCCI office-bearer can be Minister or government servant, recommends Lodha panel
  •  In no case President will hold post for more than 2 years.
  • Lodha panel recommends a steering committee headed by former Home Secy G K Pillai with Mohinder Amarnath, Diana Eduljee and Anil Kumble.
  •  Panel recommends separate governing bodies for the IPL and BCCI
  • Lodha Committee recommends relegation of Railways, Services and Universities as Associate members. They also lose voting rights.
  • Punishment and reforms were the main tasks for the Lodha committee.
  • Restriction on ministers and civil servants and those above 70 from becoming its members and cooling off period were some other major contentions.
  • Lodha panel also suggested the setting up of a players’ association in the country.

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This resource was published by selflearnadmin
22 November 2016