Preliminary Examination has two Papers; General Studies Paper I and General Studies Paper II. Both the Papers are mandatory. General Studies Paper I deal with ‘General Awareness and Current Affairs’ and General Studies Paper II is the ‘Aptitude’ Paper. The Exam is conducted on a ‘Merit-Based System’, with objective type questions. There will be a penalty for each wrong answer.


The UPSC Preliminary examination is the first hurdle in the one yearlong schedule that ultimately decides your choice join the Civil Services.

Here at Selflearn, we believe in simplifying the civil services preparation strategy, so that even a beginner easily comprehends it. (The syllabus, scheme of examination, marking and other details have been given in our UPSC SYLLABUS page).

The main subject page gives a brief introduction about what UPSC expects, the relevance of the subject, previous year trends and basic references that should help in covering the syllabus.

As we get into the specifics of the subject, we have followed a tabular approach for your convenience in better grasping the areas to study. The main topics have been divided into what to read, where to read and questions asked from previous years from the given area. Hence, the prelims strategy is broken down subject wise as per the syllabus prescribed by UPSC.This would give you a holistic dissection of the topic and hence how to best devise and adapt your strategy and approach to preparation.

We have divided each head into the most microelement with great detail that would help you in understanding the content of a subject in its entirety.

We hope that you would find the Selflearn approach highly beneficial for your preparation.

With the level of competition exceeding all aspirations, every candidate will be required to deliver their best to be successful. In this quest, we strive to create a reliable and consistent pathway which will bring within the grasp of every diligent student all essential ingredients that make for assured success in the examination. The logic is simple. “Learn what matters ,Learn it your way, and Learn it smart.”

*Please note that the IAS Prelims Preparation strategy mentioned here is only for Paper 1. Paper 2 is only qualifying in nature and therefore we haven’t dwelt into its detail.