All posts by category: International Relations

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership – Issues and Analysis
August 11th 2017

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership – Issues and Analysis

Negotiations concerning the proposed free trade agreement between ASEAN and 6 other Asia – Pacific Nations – Regional Comprehensive economic partnership – is ongoing.  A look at what the agreement has to offer for India and other nations What is RCEP- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership? RCEP is a proposed mega-regional Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between […]

India Nepal Relations – Infographics 2017
June 27th 2017

India Nepal Relations – Infographics 2017

India – Nepal Relations MoU on Motor Vehicle Agreement and flag off of Kathmandu-Delhi bus service ‘Pashupatinath Express’. This agreement would facilitate seamless and hassle-free movement of people of both countries, further enhancing people to people contact and also promoting tourism. It is modelled on a similar SAARC agreement. The Line of Credit of USD […]

India – Bhutan Relations – Infographics 2017
June 26th 2017

India – Bhutan Relations – Infographics 2017

India Bhutan relations are of key importance in shaping Indias foreign policy . Soon after taking up his office, Mr Modi made his maiden visit to Bhutan. This visit is of quite a relevance as Bhutan is a state that is strategically important to India due to its location, acting as a buffer state between […]

India – China Relations – Infographics 2017
February 13th 2017

India – China Relations – Infographics 2017

India -China relations are given highest priority by India in its international relations ,which is reflected today by regular exchanges at the highest level, sustained political dialogue on all outstanding issues, rapidly expanding economic relations and increasing cooperation on a growing number of regional and international issues. Historical Timeline in Indo-China Relations India established diplomatic relations […]

Modi’s Neighbourhood First Policy -India’s Eastern Neighbourhood
January 19th 2017

Modi’s Neighbourhood First Policy -India’s Eastern Neighbourhood

What is Modi’s Neighbourhood First Policy? Neighbourhood first Policy indicates four things: India will be giving political and diplomatic priorities to her immediate neighbours and Indian Ocean Island states. India to provide all essential requirements of her immediate neighbours as needed by them. To promote greater connectivity and integration in the Indian subcontinent to ensure […]

Indus Waters Treaty
March 23rd 2017

Indus Waters Treaty

Indus Waters Treaty The Indus Waters Treaty is a water-distribution treaty between India and Pakistan, brokered by the World Bank (then the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development). Why Indus Waters Treaty was signed? The redrawing of boundaries between India and Pakistan at the time of independence was done across the Indus river basin. A dispute between two countries regarding the utilization of irrigation […]

India U.S.A defence partnership
December 20th 2016

India U.S.A defence partnership

In India USA defence partnerships, recently there were three major developments. Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA), National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA) 2017, Major Defence Partner status accorded to India.

Heart of Asia Istanbul Conference – India Afghan Relations
December 06th 2016

Heart of Asia Istanbul Conference – India Afghan Relations

The heart of Asia conference held at Amritsar has concluded with adoption of Amritsar Declaration condemning terrorism. India and Afghanistan – the co chairs of the conference also held bilateral talks for improving the ties between them.

All you want to know about- BRICS
November 12th 2016

All you want to know about- BRICS

BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Originally the first four were grouped as “BRIC” before the addition of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all leading developing or newly industrialized country countries, but they are distinguished by their large, […]