All posts by category: GS Paper II

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership – Issues and Analysis
August 11th 2017

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership – Issues and Analysis

Negotiations concerning the proposed free trade agreement between ASEAN and 6 other Asia – Pacific Nations – Regional Comprehensive economic partnership – is ongoing.  A look at what the agreement has to offer for India and other nations What is RCEP- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership? RCEP is a proposed mega-regional Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between […]

Salient features of Right to Information [RTI Act ] 2005
July 30th 2017

Salient features of Right to Information [RTI Act ] 2005

Right to Information [RTI Act] – An Introduction   The right to information has been recognised’ as a fundamental human right, which upholds the inherent dignity of all human beings. The right to information forms the crucial underpinning of participatory democracy — it is essential to ensure accountability and good governance. Right to Information [RTI] […]

Medical termination of Pregnancy – What needs to be changed?
July 30th 2017

Medical termination of Pregnancy – What needs to be changed?

An amendment to Medical termination of pregnancy act is pending in Parliament. Several cases have come to the Supreme court asking it grant permission to abort over 20 week old foetus. Parliament needs to take up the long-pending bill on updating provisions for abortion so that decision regarding health of expectant mother and foetus is […]

Right to Information [ RTI Act ] 2005 -Historical Background
July 27th 2017

Right to Information [ RTI Act ] 2005 -Historical Background

Right to information Act or the RTI Act  is an act passed by the government of India in 2005. The RTI Act, granted to all the citizens of the country the right to information.   Right to information is a quintessential part of the right to think, right to make choice, right to express and […]

Role of Civil Society in Democracy
July 26th 2017

Role of Civil Society in Democracy

What is a civil society? J.S.Mill and Alexis De Tocqueville, political liberal thinkers of 19th century, conceived civil society as a domain of social associations, which would check the excesses of the State. They were concerned about the growing power of the State and held the view that ‘without active social associations, even democracies could […]

Gist of NITI AAYOG – Draft 3 year ACTION AGENDA- Chapter on Governance
July 12th 2017

Gist of NITI AAYOG – Draft 3 year ACTION AGENDA- Chapter on Governance

“Transparent and efficient governance is critical to the success of every policy and programme of the government.” Topic of relevance include: Role of the Government Civil services reform Electoral reforms Corruption Federalism NGOs   1. ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT Government to continue  closure of sick CPSES & strategic disinvestment of viable PSEs, and expand investment […]

Paid News : A threat to democracy
June 29th 2017

Paid News : A threat to democracy

The term “paid news” was recently in news with Election Commission’s order disqualifying Madhya Pradesh Minister Narottam Mishra for three years for suppressing expenditure incurred in the publication of paid news. What are paid news? The Election Commission has accepted the definition given by Press Council of India. PCI has defined paid news as, “any […]

India Nepal Relations – Infographics 2017
June 27th 2017

India Nepal Relations – Infographics 2017

India – Nepal Relations MoU on Motor Vehicle Agreement and flag off of Kathmandu-Delhi bus service ‘Pashupatinath Express’. This agreement would facilitate seamless and hassle-free movement of people of both countries, further enhancing people to people contact and also promoting tourism. It is modelled on a similar SAARC agreement. The Line of Credit of USD […]

Breach of Privileges – Karnataka Assembly verdict on Journalists
June 27th 2017

Breach of Privileges – Karnataka Assembly verdict on Journalists

Facts of the case : Karnataka Assembly Speaker KB Koliwad sentenced two editors of Kannada tabloids to one year imprisonment and slapped them with a fine of Rs 10,000 each for defamatory articles under its power to punish breach of privileges. The articles concerned were published in “Hi Bangalore” and “Yelahanka Voice” which were referred […]

India – Bhutan Relations – Infographics 2017
June 26th 2017

India – Bhutan Relations – Infographics 2017

India Bhutan relations are of key importance in shaping Indias foreign policy . Soon after taking up his office, Mr Modi made his maiden visit to Bhutan. This visit is of quite a relevance as Bhutan is a state that is strategically important to India due to its location, acting as a buffer state between […]