Editors Pick

It is a common experience that first-time aspirants to the Civil Services find UPSC syllabus rather intimidating. The reasons are mainly two: first, GS papers both at Prelims and Mains levels are inter- disciplinary- Science graduates or B Techs have to answer questions on Economic policy, History, Constitution and the like while Humanities have to grapple with questions In Chemistry, Zoology or may be basic Maths. Current Affairs is a common enemy for both of them.

We at Self Learn fully understand difficulties that candidates experience both in dealing with a vast and complex paper like GS and about acquiring mastery of new and unfamiliar subject  as Optional paper for the Mains exam. While we provide you with daily exercises in selecting and  understanding important current affairs events and issues for the GS papers, we are conscious of the fact that many concepts and  their analytical discussions which appear in newspapers or journals may be found rather difficult to follow, especially when such topics are from subjects that you are not familiar with. In such cases, we consider it our duty to provide you with more elaborate discussion or clarification of any particular topic whether in Economics or Constitution or General Science or any other subject.

We have therefore arranged a distinguished panel of outstanding scholars and experts to answer your queries especially based on Current Affairs and to provide you detailed explanation or clarification as soon as possible after receiving your question or enquiry. Please feel free to post your queries on this website and utilise this extra facility.

Curing the Defects in the Anti-Defection Law –  Adv. Nikhil Balan
May 16th 2016

Curing the Defects in the Anti-Defection Law – Adv. Nikhil Balan

 India is a vibrant democracy, ever growing and ever decentralising. This evolutionary democratic process, particularly evident from the decentralisation reforms initiated in the 1990s and the creation of smaller states and new states has ensured political justice to the citizens of India. With such developments, consequent and dramatic changes have taken place in the political […]

Shadow of terrorist Islamic State spreading over Asia and Africa  – Mr. Abraham Kurien IPS [Retd DGP]
April 23rd 2016

Shadow of terrorist Islamic State spreading over Asia and Africa – Mr. Abraham Kurien IPS [Retd DGP]

The Article is based on the following News items. 14th January: Islamic State (IS) suicide squads struck in a US hotel chain Starbucks Café in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, in South East Asia killing 7 persons and injuring 12 ; 15th January: Islamic militant group Al-Shabab, affiliated with Al Qaida, overran an army Unit of […]